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Yuki MURAKAMI 村上有輝  友禅 染色 絵 YUZEN アブストラクト abstract オルタナティブ alternative
Yuki MURAKAMI 村上有輝  友禅 染色 絵 YUZEN アブストラクト abstract オルタナティブ alternative
Yuki MURAKAMI 村上有輝  友禅 染色 絵 YUZEN アブストラクト abstract オルタナティブ alternative
I have incorporated  painting techniques into the traditional craft of yuzen dyeing, which has been practiced since the late Edo period. While painting is a technique of drawing with paint, dyeing is a technique of protecting the white of the fabric from dyes. I try to clarify the areas that I do not want to dye with the technique of yuzen, and at the same time, I try to obtain an ideal space by painting with dyes.

Gravity, spirals, and similarity are universal laws of the world, and all phenomena and structures benefit from them equally. For me, this common denominator and inextricable relationship leads to interiority and is one of the guiding principles for how I perceive things. Based on these values, I extract and reconstruct parts of structures and phenomena from my observations of natural landscapes to create semi-figurative mental landscapes. I am also attracted to the dyeing method using water, which most honestly reflects these laws, and the transparency and beauty of dyes and silk, and continue to work with dyeing as a means of approaching the inner world.




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